It is customary to get women's outfits like the traditional sari blouse and shalwar Kurta stitched to your measurements throughout India. As a result, there are tailor shops in almost every neighborhood. I talked to my mom's tailor, and got a bag of scraps from him for free. My mom bought me some zippers for the super-awesome price of Rs.3 each (approximately 4 cents). Compare that to my normal purchase price of $1.50 for a 9" zipper at JoAnn's, that too with a 50% off coupon! Wow, just wow. I am seriously tempted to buy at least 22 zippers for the grand price of $1.
In addition, I needed some interfacing .....Rs. 15 for one meter (approximately 20 cents for over one yard), and I was all set to create zipper pouch wristlets! I used the awesome tutorial by
Here are the ones I made so far:
Yes, the tailor's trash has been transformed into treasure!
Well, I'm off to dig through the bag of scraps again, and make some more because now everyone wants one :)
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